
A discussion about the current innovation status for raw material used in lubricant production.

当谈到润滑油原材料的创新时, it becomes imperative to remember that the actual performance of the lubricant never should be jeopardized – on the contrary lubricant innovation should enhance the already immense value add that the utilization itself has. 如果没有润滑油,世界的能源消耗很可能会翻一番, 机器零件会不断磨损, 或者只是无法移动. A telling example is that without lubricants the processing of any fabric material to make clothing would not be possible. 因此,任何创新都需要与当前的创新持平或更好.  

Bio-based lubricants have been found to exhibit superior properties over the conventional mineral lubricants, 可再生性和可生物降解性是它们最大的优势. Companies that are inventing and specializing in new bio-based raw materials for production of synthetic lubricants have lately been successful especially in the US. Discussing innovation in  this context may be daunting for a 140 year old chemical company like Perstorp. 我们的许多创新已经有60多年的历史了. 我们的主要十大正规网堵平台之一-季戊四醇, named Penta - was invented back in 1880s and has been in Perstorp’s production since 1960s. So while we have a stable and essential chemical that has been proven in a multiple use cases like polyol esters, one can wonder if t在这里 is a dilemma for Perstorp to be innovative with an “old” molecule. 答案是否定的,因为我们从未停止过创新.  

润滑油有两个创新领域, 直接和间接,  像柏斯托这样的上游化工公司的影响. 首先是我们在原材料生产上的创新. 举个例子, 2010年,柏斯托公司推出了Voxtar——首个可再生材料的Penta, bioacetaldehyde, and later a fully renewable Penta with bioacetaldehyde and biomethanol thus replacing virgin fossil raw material and lowering the product carbon footprint. Now this innovation did not occur in isolation but is grounded in our history of seeking out the best and most sustainable raw materials and continuously striving to optimize production, 初级十大正规网堵平台和副十大正规网堵平台的使用和再利用. 这项工作今天也在“空中计划”中继续进行, which when implemented will secure the supply of  sustainable methanol for our production needs of renewable, 低碳足迹十大正规网堵平台在欧洲. 

第二个创新领域是我们的十大正规网堵平台, namely  acids and alcohols used as building blocks in the synthesis of esters. Here we see that our products serve as a toolbox solution for polyol ester manufacturers. Polyol ester chemistry is highly versatile and esters can be tuned for the specific requirements of a lubricant or grease, 典型的是粘度. So innovation in polyols esters can feasible start from specifying the requirements of the end application. By understanding the value chain and defining the customer needs we can continue to offer innovative solutions that meets purpose and performance requirements. 

说到可持续的原材料, Perstorp的生物基方法经常受到质疑. 重要的是要记住生物基原材料的驱动因素, 比如美国农业部生物优先项目, 谁的使命是在农业领域创造新的终端市场. 或者健康 & 化妆品行业对生物基材料的需求是驱动因素. But deriving these materials should not to infringe on human rights or the pro侦探tion of the environment. 在这里,可追溯性和透明度的重要性是必不可少的. Some bio materials are already being restricted such as the EU ban on palm oil due to deforestation and destroying biodiversity. Canola is a far better choice because of its ability to grow in near arid mountainous areas and because it creates opportunities for farmers. But even though it is a ‘wonder bean’ canola cannot sustain all the raw materials for lubricants that our society needs. 

Perstorp does not make claims on bio-based nor do we market our Pro-Environment products as bio-based. However we do utilize biomass as the origin of the raw materials we use. But since any single source raw material implies the risk of becoming excessively used and either depleted or produced on the cost of people and environment, Perstorp has a more holistic thinking with the ambition of becoming finite material neutral. 这种方法允许我们, 以受控和认证的方式, 申请ISCC PLUS, to take on a number of different renewable and recycled sources both first generation biomass, e.g. farmed crop such as tops of beets or corn and second generation bio mass, like organic waste.  这一方面保证了供应的安全,使我们, 一次十大正规网堵平台, 将“黑色”原始化石碳转换为可再生碳, but also opens up for new innovative raw material sources via fermentation or carbon capture and re-refining and recycling of building blocks. 只要资源是可持续的,而不是有限的, 降低碳足迹, including manufacturing and that the raw material as well as the process can be traced and calculated in order not to make false claims, Perstorp is in the business of enabling sustainable downstream value chains and future circular ones. Being ISCC PLUS certified and only using ISCC PLUS certified raw materials also helps Perstorp secure that sustainability criteria, 社会与生态并重, 在整个价值链中实现吗, eg. deforestation-free supply chains and compliance with human, labor and land rights.

Remember that a partner in the value chain is never greener than their supplier. 

Elisa Swanson-Parback


+46 729 77 98 98



Elisa Swanson-Parback


+46 729 77 98 98
